Age? 21

Hometown? Rutland

Favorite place? The porch

What u bumpin currently? Music? Lot of Bob Marley and whatever Miggs is playin

What kind of ladies u trying to holla at? My girl

Gremlin story? is in the making

What have you been up to? Skating, painting, bus life, the lake, new woodward at boreal.. Sababa life

Whats your biggest downfall? Dont live in an earthship yet

Whats your biggest come-up? Stayin healthy

Any shoutouts? Mom,Pup, and Pidge

Day in the life? Get coffee and a bagel at the cafe and hang out with Riley maybe go down to the lake. Then meet up with sawyer and go skate woodward.Come back chill with Miggs and whoevers at the house ..maybe paint a bit , then bike up the hill to the girls house and kick it with Riley. Thats Been my schedule for the most part this past week

Influences? John Cardiel, Shane Cross, Danny Way, Mark Gonzalez, Collin Hale, Wes Kremer, Bradshaw, Lane, Jeremy Jones, Lucas..all the Gremlinz, anyone who skates , Alex Grey, Dylan and Pup, and Mike Reynolds

Whats your plans for the winter? To be overwhelmed with Glory evryday, riding GBP boards ,Bus trips . And lots of pow. It feels like this winters gonna be amazing

Words to live by? You get what you give, remember Jus Liv

Instagram? One day

Twitter? Jeanie